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Gig review

Anais Mitchell (16 June 2007) (Click here for artist's website)  

Acoustic Sussex continues its charmed life and I was fortunate this weekend to join promoter Martin in striving to get the beauty of Anais Mitchell's music to as many people as is humanly possible. On Saturday, Anais made a very welcome return visit to Acoustic Sussex, this time at The Ravenswood in Sharpthorne. But the gig had to start early in order to fit in an appointment with 'Whispering' Bob Harris, live on his Saturday broadcast on BBC Radio 2, some time after midnight - and we were on chauffering duty!

I have known Anais' music for nearly two years now and have seen her from her first UK appearance at The White Hart in Sussex to her performances of late. This young lady is an extremely articulate songwriter and displays a freshness, energy and originality that many others may strive to imitate, but are unlikely to reach. Anais displays a scintillating ability to present her profound, poetic lines with real passion and beauty. And the difference between now and the earlier dates is a marked maturing of her musical presentation. Her guitar-work has improved exponentially and the way she expresses her songs has matured to incorporate exquisite timing that has surely enhanced her communication with her audiences. 

Her songs have always been strong but she now utilises her voice to create hanging pauses and beautiful vibrato to emphasise the point she is trying to make. Truly, this is a wonderful craftswoman at work and it sent shivers down my spine. Her performance at The Ravenswood was, as far as I am concerned, faultless in all aspects and delighted the audience who responded with fantastic appreciation at the end of each song. 

Not to put too fine a point on it, I get the feeling that something is a stir. I gather she was given a standing ovation after her appearance at the 12 Bar in London. And to hear the feedback from the Bob Harris show on the way back in the car from his studio from people who had tuned into his show, it seemed many people are similarly captivated by this young lady. Maybe, at last, she is reaching out to a more expansive audience in the UK!   

If she were to read this, Anais would, no doubt, castigate me for writing an overly-positive review (she is very down to earth and non-egotistical) but I can only express what I genuinely feel. No more "talk of business", she would say - OK Anais - for the present at least. 

After all this, my energy is severely depleted and is still draining. As I speak, I am zipping along at mach2, so will have to deploy my braking chute when coming in for a landing! 

My candle burns at both ends
It will not last the night;
but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - 
it gives a lovely light. 

                                         Edna St. Vincent Millay 

Supporting Anais was Kristen Marie Holly, a resident from Los Angeles, California. Kristen is essentially an actress, having appeared in the Spiderman movie. Perhaps, Kristen, who having already heard Anais had a hard job to do. But she delivered her songs with a beautiful voice and interesting songs. One criticism is that she perhaps needs a little tightening up of her guitar work. 

Review courtesy of 'Maximum Bob' Preece
