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Gig review

Emily Slade (21 March 2005) (Click here for artist's website)

In support: Julie Roberts & Gary Holder (Click here for artist information)

Photo of Gary Holder & Julie Roberts live at the White Hart Phot of Emily Slade live at the White Hart

The audience tonight was treated to a captivating performance by singer songwriter Emily Slade, in the intimate surroundings of The White Hart Inn. Mixing new unreleased material with songs from her last CD, Fretless, Emily proved to be an engaging personality with a delicate and relaxed style that is all of her own. 

Songs such as "Towerblocks and Lullabies" and "Shire Boy" (about affordable housing in rural communities) approach modern day issues in an unsentimental way. More up-tempo songs included the protest song "Outbreak" and the bluesy "Good Man Down", both of which showed off Emily's guitar wizardry to the full. 

Being a first-time mother hasn't stopped Emily touring and has inevitably influenced her songwriting, such as the plaintive "Precious Boy" and the traditional-sounding "Wandering Kind". After the audience joined in the chorus, Emily declared it "the best singing I've heard from an audience for a couple of years - and this isn't even a folk club!". 

Emily's second set included delightful versions of Bob Geldof's "I Don't Like Mondays" and Cindi Lauper's "True Colours". After a wide-ranging set, the appreciative audience was treated to the beautiful "What's the Use of Wings" for an encore. 

This was an impressive performance from a songwriter who is likely to be come an important figure on the contemporary British folk scene, alongside the likes of Eliza Carthy and Kate Rusby.

